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What does the Law actually say? 

The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, places a duty on all employers “to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work” of all their employees.

The Act also requires:

  • safe operation and maintenance of the working environment, plant and systems
  • maintenance of safe access and egress to the workplace
  • safe use, handling and storage of dangerous substances
  • adequate training of staff to ensure health and safety
  • adequate welfare provisions for staff at work
  • Employers must also keep and revise a written record of health and safety policy and consult with employees or their representatives on such policies.

What is RIDDOR?

RIDDOR stands for the ‘Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations’ established in 1995. These regulations require employers, the self-employed and people in control of premises, to report work-related deaths, major injuries, work-related diseases and dangerous occurrences.

Do I have to complete the assessment in one go?

No, the system is designed so you it will bookmark and save your progress, so you can come back to it when you have the time and/or information you need to complete it. The assessment is designed to assist you to complete your Health and Safety Assessment in around one hour.

Do you offer multi-site/licence discounts?

Yes, dependent on the number of sites or licences you have we can offer you multi-package discounts that mean it doesn’t cost you an arm or a leg to make sure you are legally compliant!

Do you offer site visits?

Yes, we also provide a site visit service where one of our NEBOSH assessors will carry out the Health & Safety Assessment on your behalf. Please contact us for a quote on info@healthandsafetysmart.co.uk!

Any questions not answered? Please do not hesitate to contact us.